Austin Portrait Photographer--Hello, 2021!

I always worry about changing up the content on my blog. If I start posting more personal work, will you hate it? At the beginning of this year (read: 4 days ago) I started a new long term personal project that will be shot entirely on film. I think once a month I will start posting a ~ personal blog ~ to counter balance all of the client work I do. I hope y’all come along for the ride! I may also start actually sending out monthly blasts to my newsletter subscribers…. but I know how much junk email exists in the world so let me know if that’s a hard pass for you.

These images were * not * shot for my personal project but I love them anyway so here you go.

Happy 2021, everyone! Thanks for sticking with me <3

Austin Portrait Photographer Eliza Marie Photography
Austin Portrait Photographer Eliza Marie Photography